Allioli, Alioli, Aioli

I’ve always thought alioli, allioli, or aioli means the same thing – a Spanish mayonnaise with lots of garlic. Well, I couldn’t be more wrong. Apparently, this garlic mayonnaise popular all over Spain called alioli is neither Spanish, nor French, and not even Italian – it actually originates in the Middle East, according to Jamie Oliver, and I have no choice but to believe him.

Allioli, on the other hand, is a Catalan sauce made with garlic, olive oil, and salt – no eggs at all, while aioli is a Provencal term describing the same garlic and olive oil emulsion. Think this is confusing?! Just wait to see Spain’s crazy coffee varieties!

Anyway, I first ate alioli in Spain, and for me it’s a Spanish sauce, albeit a very addictive and tricky one. With such a simple recipe, alioli should be very easy to prepare. Well, it isn’t, at least not for me, that’s why I prefer to eat it in Spain…with just about anything – tortilla, fish, baked potatoes, anything but sweet. Oh, Spain, I miss you so much!


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